J.Kārkliņš kopā ar prof.K.Torgānu piedalījušies grāmatas tapšanā
Starptautiski atzītā Springer izdevniecībā izdota grāmata angļu valodā “The Law of the Baltic States”, kuras saistību tiesību nodaļu “Contract Law and Non-contractual Obligations” kopīgi sarakstījis asoc.prof.J.Kārkliņš un prof.K.Torgāns.
The differences they make or for the most part doctors start with Lovegra or experimental approaches to treating ED and may cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. All the evidence may not yet be in, studies exhibit that commonplace Generic Levitra improves erections in more than eighty% of guys taking established Levitra versus 24% of men taking a sugar pill.